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PO필름에 광경화형 아크릴 점착제가 도포된 필름으로 반도체 패키지 Dicing Tape로 사용되어지는 점착 테이프 입니다.
제품의 구조
dicing tape 구조이미지
제품의 특징
  • CKD has adhesion as ordinary adhesive tape, but once UV-light is exposed on, it reduces the adhesion and can be removed easily.
  • It is suitable to be used in process where the tape is to be expanded to four directions to remove adherent
제품의 용도
반도체 PKG 용
dicing tape 반도체 패키지 용
Item Unit CKD-152M9
Features - Standard
Total thickness 200
Adhesive thickness 20
Before UV Adhesion
gf/25mm 1,100 ± 300
After UV Adhesion
gf/25mm 40 ± 20
(Lamianted Substrate)
- Excellent
Detaching after UV curing
( 300mJ/㎤)
- Excellent